Today was our last one in Jerusalem, and was a beautiful one. The weather was crisp, but not windy and perfect for all the walking we had to do.
We walked into the Old City through the Jaffa Gate and made our way through the Christian Quarter following the Via Dolorosa. Because of the political tension we could not enter through the Lions Gate near the Temple Mount and follow the path in order, so we did it out of order. Nevertheless we visited all the stations of the cross. We stood on pavement from the Fortress of Antonia, where Jesus was scourged. We walked through the Church of the Holy Sepulchre which covers the site of Golgotha and the Empty Tomb. We visited the excavations of the Pool of Bethesda, where Jesus healed the lame man (John 5). We sang in the Church of St. Anne there, a building erected in the 12th century.
After lunch we drove to the Yad Va Shem, Jerusalem's holocaust museum, and were reminded again of what human beings are capable of, both in terms of sheer evil and cruelty and in terms of endurance. We returned to the Old City, entering through the Zion Gate, into the Jewish Quarter where we walked to the Western Wall. Then on to one more church, St. Peter Gallicantu, built over the traditional site of Caiaphas' house where Jesus was interrogated and where Peter denied knowing him.
We are back at our hotel to pack up, enjoy the last supper, and head for Tel Aviv. It is 5:00 PM here, 9:00 AM back in Houston. We'll be home in about twenty-four hours.
This group of pilgrims has been a delightful one to travel with and we have learned and experienced things that will continue to shape our lives and friendships.
Safe travels.
God Bless,
Welcome home
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