What a difference a year makes. Last year at this time the fields were green with the emerg

September 2007-May 2008 (the period during which we had wheat in the ground) was the driest on record (25% drier than the previous record). Last June was the second driest in history. The rest of the summer, fall, and winter did nothing to improve conditions. Forecasts are for things to continue or worsen at least through May. As you can see on the map, Wilson County is right in the middle of the most extreme drought conditions in the state.
Jesus said that God causes rain to fall on both the just and the unjust (Matt. 5:45). That would be nice.
I don’t know what role drought plays in the ecology of the land, but I do know that dry periods in the spiritual life are seasons of preparation for something new. The desert serves as the setting for important events in the lives of God’s people. Moses, Israel, Elijah, David, Jesus, and Paul all spent time in these dry places. It is the case in the lives of God’s
I’m eager for the rain to fall in Floresville. I look forward to the wildness of the land when its thirst is fully quenched. Meanwhile, we plant nothing and wait on the only one who can provide rain.
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