Monday, April 11, 2011

Grandfathering Kingdom

I have yet to be present for the assembly of all the subjects of my entire grandfathering kingdom, although they gathered in Houston without me yesterday. I plan to see them all together Easter weekend. I do not often get to see Taylor & Amber's two (Ava and Jonas, left). In fact, Jonas was only six weeks old the last time we saw him. I don't see Alan & Kat's two (Madison & Austin) often enough, but somewhat more frequently. I'm grateful for the technology of Skype, texting, cell phones, digital photos, and blogs that keep us more connected with them than my parents or grandparents were ever able to be. I actually feel sorry for people with ordinary grandchildren, although I have never met such folk.

For more on the cutest grandchildren around, check out Kat's blog on picking strawberries.

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