Saturday, September 07, 2019

Waiting for Fall

Late summer and fall is the time for the tall grasses to make their inflorescence/seedhead, which makes them much easier for us non-experts to identify. We have been looking for the Big Four of the tall-grass prairies to show themselves. Now all four have done so. Many of the hundreds of bunches of grass will not mature enough to make seed this year, but enough have done so to encourage us that what we'd hoped for is actually happening. We've also seen Sideoats Grama, Lovegrass, and Eastern Gamagrass.

Eastern Gamagrass

Big Bluestem

Big Bluestem

Big Bluestem

Yellow Indiangrass

Little Bluestem

Little Bluestem

Little Bluestem

Yellow Indiangrass and Maximillian Sunflowers

Little Bluestem

Switchgrass and Maximillian Sunflowers

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